Events in Wauchope

Patchwork Treasures

Wauchope Patchwork Quilters holds a Quilt Show every two years. It has traditionally been held in a Hall, where quilts are displayed, handwork made by members is for sale and traders sell quilting supplies. There is a raffle and morning teas are sold.

In 2021, our Quilt Show will take a different form. We are taking our quilts to the streets of Wauchope. Instead of in just one location, the quilts will be displayed outside shops and in a number of venues: halls, churches, the Department Store, to name a few. Wauchope Patchwork Quilters sees this as a chance to showcase, not just our quilts but the town of Wauchope. The same Sales Table, Traders and raffle will be there, but morning /afternoon teas and meals will be available in the town’s cafes and Clubs.

Various local businesses and Community Groups are helping with this venture: from the Men’s Shed making our quilt stands to Rotary and Wauchope Co-op providing support, there is a great feeling of enthusiasm in the town. Port Macquarie Hastings Council has already provided a Grant to support our efforts.

Our Quilt raffle proceeds always go to a local charity. But after the year that 2020 has been, this uplifting, vibrant event will enliven us all.

Facilities & Inclusions

  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.